The Torch is Passed

I hired a professional news service to send out a Press Release blast last week about the recent release of my latest suspense/thriller, The Torch is Passed: A Harding Family Story”.

As part of the service, a photo of my book cover was posted in Times Square, NY! Check it out below. I was planning on going into NY to have my picture taken while the ad was up on the big screen, but they couldn’t give me an exact window.

Still kinda cool, huh?

Times Square New York February 9, 2016
Times Square New York
February 9, 2016


“We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.”

“The Torch is Passed: A Harding Family Story” by Bill Powers

Now available in both print and ebook:

The Torch is Passed - Cover
The Torch is Passed – Cover