DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. announced Bill Power’s “The Pharm House” is a Medical Mystery Finalist

“The Pharm House” written by former C-level pharmaceutical toxicologist Mr. Bill Powers, is a Prize Writer Competition Finalist by reader demand! Continue reading

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British Country Houses in the First and Second World War – October 27, 2014

Once there were thousands of large British manor homes scattered across Great Briton. Many have been razed, destroyed, fallen into ruin, but even into the 20th century they still had a storied history. During the First World War, Almina, the 5th Countess of Carnarvon, transformed Highclere Castle into a hospital, and patients began to arrive … Continue reading

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Oxford UK – Day 2

After we left Blenheim Palace and visited Churchill’s gravesite, we drove to Oxford for the afternoon. I wanted to see the town and walk through parts of Oxford University. It was about one hour’s drive from Blenheim Palace to Oxford located in Southeast England and best known for being the home of Oxford University, the … Continue reading

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Blenheim Palace – London/Paris Trip – Day 2

One of my major goals of the trip was to see some British manor homes. In a future story, one of my characters spends some time at a British manor home. We had visited Highclere Castle, Waddesdon Manor and now Blenheim Palace. Blenheim is situated in Oxfordshire, England. It is the principal residence of the … Continue reading

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